Today’s surely stuck out like a sore thumb and hit right to my heart. It is true hey. Everything in life does bear significance and everything happens with reason, as my dad so fondly reminds me. A very dear colleague of mine, Tamlyn also articulated this to me over the weekend. Thanks babe! You certainly are a blessing in my life and your care and concern is treasured.
Not too long ago, I found myself in an unremitting platform where I was doused with another’s relentless questioning about life. Everything pondered, thought and questioned ended with, “Does it matter?” I soon got caught up in the tumultuous situation and began to question too. Does anything in this life matter? Does it matter that we here today because we could be gone tomorrow? Does it matter that I don’t have the MBA qualification I yearn for, it won’t make a difference to the end? Does it matter where I work as long as I’m happy?
The cycle was petrifying and left me in a very unsettled state. Until I was graced with an email expressing just that… that everything in life does matter. That my goals matter. That my existence matters. That what I do today will have an impact on my tomorrow. That the care I show to someone today will never be in vain. That the decisions I decide upon today could bear detriment or pleasure to those I love. That every single step I take today brings me closer to where I am destined to be. Even if that destiny is to pass on… but that’s just it… we pass on to a new beginning where everything we did in this life will matter.
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