Friday, January 15, 2010

I made it!

So many resolutions, so many ideas, so many ambitions, so little time. Well, atleast I started doing one of them. And, that was to get my booty in shape.

Yesterday, en route home, I had every intention of getting home and jumping on the treadmill in an excited fashion to finally do what I know my body so desperately needs. Shoo, it’s been more than a year since I’ve exercised. Moving office was a bad idea, since then my walking time has been cut tremendously.

Anyhoo, no complaints. One must make-do with the situation at hand. So, as I neared home, sluggishness set it and the thought of the treadmill was floating away along with it. Getting out of the car, finally at home… my every intention had veered from seriously jumping onto the treadmill, to seriously jumping into bed.

Barely able to hold my laptop bag, much less move my feet transporting my body to bed, I saw my mom… whizzing away of the treadmill, looking overly energised and proud. I smiled and said. I was going to do that and before I could mention the word, sleep, my mom said: “Come, you up next!” I couldn’t deny the enthusiasm… Shukran MOM!

And, that was all the motivation I needed. So, I put my goodies down with some renewed energy and changed into my gym gear… something that hasn’t seen daylight for almost 18 months. It’s been way too long.

So, my turn came and I headed straight for it. Got on and pushed start, elevation 4 and speed 6. I was on my way. Only planning to do 15 minutes, I managed 20 minutes, walking 2km and losing just under 65 calories. I know its little, short and few, but I’ll get there.

This morning, I am proud to say I managed another 10 minutes, 1.1km, 41 calories and speed 7. Now, just to keep this up and I’ll be well on my way to getting the old Shaheema back… man I miss her. This new bod freaks me out…

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