Thursday, June 11, 2009

Time – an untreasured resource

Does anyone really think of its value? Do you know its true worth in your lifetime? My personal opinion is ‘No’. I think many take time for granted. Many don’t make the most of it… and many don’t give it a fleeting thought.

It is something which just passes by… yet we don’t realise that as each day passes, that’s one day less to make our dreams come true! What have you done today to move closer to your goals? Have you taken the first step? Have you moved forward to your true heart’s intentions? Have you stepped up and headed to where you know you really want to be?

Don’t leave it for tomorrow… for today is now, and now is the only time you have.

"Well, that’s all I managed before my laptop battery died at 23:58. Good thing though since it was pass my bedtime. There’s lots more I wanted to add, but for now I’m sure you get the essence of my intention. I’ll continue again one day when I reach a similar wavelength. Love ya!"

1 comment:

Shahieda said...

Just love this post hun!! I'm one of the guilty ones, I procrastinate to no end!!